The Top 5 Benefits Of Solar Energy In Orange County

When it comes to going solar, every person has a different reason for what got them interested in going solar and what it was that ultimately convinced them to pull the trigger. What are the benefits of solar energy in Orange County that make a difference?

While there are many benefits of commercial solar power, most commonly, it has to do with wanting to lower energy costs and improving the overall well-being of the environment. After all, going solar is a great way to make your business operate more efficiently and reduce your carbon footprint.

What many commercial solar clients don’t consider is there are also other great reasons to go solar as well. Today we want to share with you our top 5 favorite benefits of going solar.

house with solar panels providing benefits of solar energy in orange county

Dramatically Reduce Your Electric Bills With Commercial Solar Panels

As a business owner, electricity costs generally make up one of the largest monthly expenses when running your business.

If you install a commercial solar system in Orange County, you are able to generate free power. Not only that, the lifecycle of solar panels these days is 25+ years, so once you recoup the costs of the original installation, you’ll then move towards massive monthly savings. Even if your commercial solar installation doesn’t cover 100% of the energy you consume, solar will still reduce your bills and you’ll be saving money.

The ROI On Commercial Solar Panels Is Great

Compared to other home improvement projects, solar panels don’t count as an expense. They are an investment.

They are an investment that gives you returns similar to those you would receive on your retirement accounts. When you factor in the year-over-year increase in the cost the public utilities are charging for electricity, the average American homeowner now pays off their solar panel system in little more than seven to eight years and sees a return on investment of up to 20% or more.

Avoid Constant Rising Costs Of Energy

One of the best benefits of commercial solar panels is the ability they give you to lock in your utility prices regardless of what the utility companies do with their rate structures.

On average, electricity prices are going up roughly 3% per year. The sooner you invest in a solar system for your business, the sooner you can lock in your electricity rate to protect against unpredictable increases in the cost of electricity.

This not only adds to peace of mind but also allows you to predictably plan your budget, allowing you to comfortably know you will be putting money into savings each month.

Commercial Solar Panels Increase Your Property Values

Businesses equipped with commercial solar systems in Orange County have higher property values and sell more quickly than non-solar properties. This is a fact.

Appraisers are increasingly taking solar installations into consideration as they value properties at the time of a sale.

As education and interest in solar as an energy alternative increases, demand for solar-equipped buildings will continue to grow and commercial businesses with solar systems will continue to sell faster than those without.

Solar Energy Reducing The U.S. Dependence on Energy

The sun is a near-infinite source of energy and a key component of achieving energy independence in the United States.

By increasing our capacity to generate electricity from the sun, we can also insulate our country from price fluctuations in global energy markets.

Benefits Of Solar Energy: Custom Proposals

There are numerous benefits of commercial solar panels in Orange County, and the truth is that solar is the right decision for most business owners.

Finding out if commercial solar panels are right for you is a super easy process. All it takes is simply clicking here and filling out a quick form and we will send you a customized proposal.